Recently I had to confront the hard truth that not everyone who hangs out with you, smiles with you or even helps you is qualified to be your friend. Even the one's you help out have the capacity to stab you square in the back.....I realised that fallen nature allows for those things to be a reality even in the church...the place of true love.
So I threw my pity party and thereafter decided to dust myself and move on, ignoring the burning sensation in my heart to hate and even slander. God teaches us the hardest of lessons and uses those who are seemingly "close" to us to push us to our greatest potential. He is truly more interested in our character and will allow us to go through the heat of the fire to purify our faith that is more valuable than gold.
My mentor always tells me.."It is only idle people who find the time to slander and gossip" So if ever again I find myself in the midst of words that seem hurtful and untrue, I will remember that it is the testing of my faith...God requires a maturity from us and if we cannot be trusted with the little things surely God cannot trust us with much. I choose to be amongst those who are counted, and who stand and obey God no matter the cost even when people do not understand and choose to judge rather than ask....I choose to be a loyal friend that my friends can truly rely on...A friend is one who walks in when the whole world walks out...
So keep your true friends close and be that friend to them that you desire them to be to you. True friends are gems, treat yours' that way....